Casper Blog

Our first 6 months

Sep 04, 2023

Since launching back in March 2023 as the London market’s newest specialist casualty focused MGA, a lot has changed. Our Chief Operating Officer, Simon Sykes looks back on our first 6 months of trading.  


Starting a new organisation is daunting, no matter how much planning and preparation you go through. The initial struggles we faced back in March seem like a long time ago now, and our first months of trading have flown by. 


A big reason as to why we launched Casper was our belief in creating a genuine leader in the London casualty market. As we enter our second 6 months, I’m delighted to share that we have written close to £60m of GWP already. It’s an achievement I’m very proud of and I want to congratulate all the team here at Casper for making it happen.  


There’s also been plenty of other activity happening across the business.    


We have settled into our new Bishopsgate offices and are enjoying the perks of our new ‘home’. Although we haven’t quite mastered using the coffee machine, we’re making the most of working closely together and sharing ideas.  


We’ve also been fortunate enough to visit our overseas partners, with trips to Poland, Lithuania and the US. With future visits to Cyprus and Australia planned for later this year, its all systems go.  


I’m also happy to share that the Casper ‘family’ has grown. Nemone Geddes joined us earlier in the summer as our new Underwriting Assistant and has fitted straight into the team. I’m also delighted to share that Nick Kirk will be joining us as Head of FI in December. As someone with such experience and gravitas, we’re really excited to have him join our team.  


Since opening our doors at the start of this year, the team and I have been bowled over with the support and encouragement we have received across the industry. I want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all our partners: Argenta, our fantastic capacity provider; Pro, who have guided us through the regulatory requirements of establishing in both the UK and Germany; Websure, whose policy admin system will shortly go live and represent the first step in our digital and analytical ambitions; and of course our investors, who have provided whole hearted support.  


We could not have achieved this success this without you. 


I’m excited to keep the momentum going and see what our second 6 months holds!