Casper Blog

Building a career at Casper

Article by: Tom Szczech Amy Squibb | Jul 24, 2024

We've both had the privilege of being part of Casper from the start. Now, nearly 18 months since Casper's launch, we're proud to see how far it’s progressed. As is the norm with any start-up, there were initial teething issues, but these were swiftly ironed out. The team has since expanded, and yes, we did outgrow our first office rather quickly - it's fair to say we were practically tripping over each other in there! But that added to the charm of our start-up days. Thankfully, we've since relocated to a larger space that accommodates our growing needs.


A standout characteristic of Casper is its tight-knit culture. This is a place where everyone's voice matters. All members of the team have the opportunity to influence and contribute to key decisions with ideas and new thinking actively encouraged. Casper is certainly home to a variety of personalities, each bringing their own unique touch. The mix of ages and experiences keeps the office atmosphere interesting and often amusing. Strangely, we seem to hire quite a few musicians at Casper! But a musical talent is not a prerequisite to work here...


As young people trying to develop our careers, the knowledge gained from working with experienced underwriters on a day-to-day basis is invaluable. Whilst navigating challenging situations with brokers or encountering new aspects of underwriting, there’s always someone ready to give advice.


And it's not all work! We've found that Casper really values a good work-life balance and cares about us growing as people, not just as employees. Pursuing professional qualifications in insurance and further development is actively encouraged. It feels like they're not just interested in what we can do now, but also in helping us develop to reach our full potential.


We can't overlook our weekly peer review meetings. It's here that our competitive spirit really comes to life. An ongoing contest is in place to see who can provide the most comprehensive review of risks written that week. It's all in good fun, of course, and currently, the Professional Indemnity team is proudly leading the charge.


Casper Specialty is a unique environment that's full of opportunity. One which we feel is particularly beneficial for young individuals, whether they're just dipping their toes into the insurance industry or are already on their journey. Here, there's a strong emphasis on both professional and personal growth, creating a motivated and dynamic atmosphere. Coupled with a team that just really works well together, it makes for a workplace that's engaging and enjoyable.


As we look to the future, we're filled with anticipation for what's to come. We're eager to continue growing, learning, and contributing to Casper's ongoing success.